Wednesday, April 8, 2009

drip..drip...oh shit son I think we have a leak

Leak : an accidental hole that allows something to enter or escape.
Escape is the kind of leak we are looking at today. A music leak, an album leak.
Its a dirty word in the music industry, and it can be a nightmare for many artist and labels. But recently I have seen a new trend in these leaks. They are not coming from no where. Not coming from some random source that had the album early, they are coming from the label or even the artist themselves.

Leaking and downloading in general is a tough subject I have noticed here lately. Because everyone wants the bands to get heard, but they wanna make money too. Anyone who says they don't care about money is lieing. They have to eat and they have to get to shows, so they need money. Record sales are just not doing it anymore. I can admit I have ripped songs off Myspace. But I do support the bands I download from by going to shows and buying merch.

Leaking, its a tough call in many ways if it is a good or a bad thing. From a marketing stand point its pretty great. Once a cd is leaked google hits for the album name and the artist are going to skyrocket for people looking for the CD. You are going to bring in new fans who stumble across the cd on downloading sites. But you run the huge risk of losing profit because people are not going to buy the CD. Intentional leak releases I feel should not be done until you know you have solid fan base that even though they will listen to it early are still going to go out and buy the product.

Leaking can be dangerous but from looking what leaks have done for some artist I think its a huge promotion tool. I mean both fall out boy's last albums leaked early. But what did they do? Had promotions that if you bought the cd at such and such store for a little bit more than at a record store you get something with it, like a shirt or what ever. Fall out boy can do that. they have a loyal following that they know they will sell cds.

I cant make up my mind on leaking as good or bad. I think its smart in some cases. But, people get upset about cds leaking and kids are naive thinking a artist or label would never intentionally leak.

oh well.

peace out
the nikki bird

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm sorry but the party's over....

Well, I sort of forgot about this for a little bit, but going to see Papa Roach this past Monday and hearing the song Hollywood Whore I had a little inspiration to write.

So, as I'm sure if very obvious our culture has an almost unhealthy obsession with celebrity. Now I understand that they choose to live under the scrutiny of the public with their profession. But the question I ask is why the hell I should care if Brittney Spears puts on 10lbs. Or who is dating who? It is nice to know a little but more about these people that we have constantly in our lives through movies, tv and radio, but I really don't need to know every aspect of their life. No wonder so many are in rehab and on drugs, I'm sure that if I was being told I needed to lose weight and always had to be happy and on the go I'd go crazy too.

This obsession is so unhealthy. People want to see celebrities fall. Because somehow it makes them feel better about their lives. Well, it wouldn't be so interesting if it was happening to you now would it?

What gets me is how people become famous off of reporting on celebrities too. And I will admit I check Perez Hiltons site when I'm bored sometimes. And I always catch my self thinking why do I care about who so and so is dating? But celebrity and the gossip is all around its hard not to look at it. At work I can’t get away from it with the tabloids at the end of each register. Even the evening local and national news will have celebrity stories! Aren’t there more important things in the world than who just checked into rehab? Like I don’t know maybe the large masses of people dying of AIDs? If we focused even half the energy we do to following celbs around on other issues imagine how much good we could do.

Im really sick of people also being famous for doing NOTHING. Ok so you go on a reality Tv show where you pretty much want to be a groupie, and you become famous? What the hell? Suddenly if you are out in public people want pictures with you, you can appear at events and get paid? No. You just wanted to be on TV and fuck a rockstar. Well listen here, you can fuck the rockstar just going to most shows. Lots of bands like their groupies. And two, Your 15 minutes of fame were up the second your ass got kicked off the show. And I cant even say that I dont watch these stupid reality shows. But I mean people acting that ignorant? Who cant pass that up. I guess thats why they make money off it. But its very sad, what happened to self respect? Maybe you should look for it again.

mm I think that should be all for now. I could go on for hours

The party really needs to be over for you hollywood whores

The nikki Bird

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Scene kids ba da da

Oh, where to even begin with this one? There are so many things I could say. Ill try to be nice on this one.

Definition I found on Urban : A 'scene kid' is a person who conforms to the current trends promoted by the punk/goth/emo/hardcore music genres in order to appear cool.

Now I am a pop culture minor in school so I understand that this is what is be marketed to kids today so of course a lot of them are going to pick up on it. But, the thing that gets me is they think they are being unique by dressing this way. I'm sorry to burst your little bubble but there are millions dressing like you.

The latest trends in music is what has really started this style. Yet I notice these bands, if you look back to before they were big they still dressed like that. It's not because they wanna be cool, it's just how they dress.

It's not only how these kids dress though it's their attitudes and how they like anything that is cool at that moment. I can't tell you how many of these "scene hipsters" I've almost got into physical fights with at shows. There is little to no respect for anyone but themselves.

I don't wanna hear you whining that your "perfectly" teased hair is going to get fucked up from being in the crowd. Go sit in the back then. And "omg people are touchingg me" well no shit hunny you are at a concert with lots of people crowded in one area some one is gonna touch you. And no, so and so is not going to fuck you. You are like 15 years old, none of them want rape charges. Plus some musicians have a girl waiting for them back at home that they don't want to lose.

And if they aren't bitching they are being completely rude. I don't care if you are not there to see the band that is currently on stage, do not be talking shit about them. There is someone around you who probably likes them. Every band has to start out as an opener. So instead of being close minded that you only wanna see who you came for listen to some new music. Also don't be bitches to people who are in the front row. If they have that front row they probably sat outside hours before doors to get it. Don't weasel your way in there then wonder why you are about to get in a fight. And stealing? What the hell? I saw some girl have a camera stolen out of her back pocket by these little "cool" scene kids. Its not cool to steal.

But back to the clothing. Why must you wear something because it is cool to wear. You should get something because you like it, you want to wear it, you feel comfortable in it, and because it looks good on you. I can't tell you how many girls I have seen in wayyyy too tight of jeans, shirts and way too much make up. Yes, I've been guilty sometimes of attempting to get stuff that I shouldn't but my friends let me know that it is not something I should wear. Friends don't let friends be muffin tops. If something does not look good on you don't just wear it because it is cool. Find something that is your's and make it work for yourself.

I can't say that I don't wear clothes that can appear to be scene. But I buy them because they are cute to me. I feel comfortable in them. I do look at pop culture for idea's for clothing but I will never be one to dress a certain way because I want to be cool. Losing that individuality is not something I am up for.

So take a step back, and re think what you are doing. Do you really wanna look back on this time in your life and see that you only followed a trend to be cool?


nikki- bird

Monday, January 19, 2009

The start...

Well, everyone and their mother seems to be blogging lately, so I decided I'll jump on the bandwagon. I'm not really sure what this is going to turn into. It's probably going to be a lot of rants but hopefully someone else can say they agree with my rants. One thing in my life that is huge is music, no I'm not a musician, I wish I had that talent. But I am a huge music fan. So I guess I'll do my first blog on an article I read in Alternative Press last night from All Time Low. (AP 247 Feb 09)

Reading this article kind of opened my eyes to some things I have been doing and a lot of my friends around me too. This is really the quote that got me thinking, "It kind of sucks, the amount of shit we've been getting from our success," he [drummer Rian Dawson] says in the back lounge of the tour bus before the St. Louis gig. As he speaks his phone keeps trilling with messages. "We try not to let it hit us to hard, because it shouldn't be able to affect us. But a lot of our fans are saying ' We like All Time Low too much for them to get big.' To me it's just, like, I get what [they're] saying. I get it. But in a way, I feel like, if you like us, you should want us to be the biggest band in the world."

I could not agree more with Rian on this. I have been catching myself in the last year that when a band I have been following for awhile starts to get big I'm like 'WAIT! No I want you to myself." But, the thing is I don't really want them to myself I want the whole world to appreciate them the way I do. It's really not right criticizing a band for getting big. It is their job and they want to actually make money and they want to be successful. Bands want to spread their message to every possible person imaginable. Staying small isn’t in their dreams.

I started going to concerts my freshman year of college, although I have always been a music fan. But my first rock show I was in awe of the guys on stage playing. I was in the mindset that bands and musicians in general are not people they are something more. Oh, how naive I was for thinking that. I may have learned that these 'rock stars' are nothing more than a normal human being, but there are so many young kids I have seen and talked to at shows that have them put on pedestals. At a young age I do believe kids need someone to look up to and if that’s any member of a band then so be it. But believing they can do no wrong, and have everything figured out well that’s just asking too much.

I think this is where the "selling out" label that has become so popular lately is coming from. Kids want to see their favorite band after the show. Well, as much as they would love to they can't have 20 minute conversations with everyone at a 500+ capacity show. Yes, they may have when they were smaller, but they were also playing to less than 200 kids. There is no reason to say they are selling out because they can't talk to everyone.

Another way kids are saying bands are selling out is when they are sponsored by big companies, or put in ads. HELLO, it’s a business for them! If you want to see them in your town well they have to be sponsored so they can make it there. And if they are sponsored that’s another GREAT thing not bad, it means that they are good enough that someone at a big name company recognized them.

I just wish more young kids would start appreciating music for what it is. Not because there is some cute boy in the band. Or because MTV is backing the band. It's more than just a trend. It is a whole way of life for people. The music is more than just a pretty face; there are lyrics, different parts to the songs. I just wish people would take a step back and listen.

So, that’s going to be my rant on that. Just take this little piece away from this blog. Next time your favorite artist starts to become popular, don't criticize them. Celebrate with them the dream they are accomplishing.

thats all